what do you see through your lens?

Monday, April 4, 2011

Kimberly Cook Lecture

Tonight my On Assignment class went to a lecture given by Kimberly Cook, a fairly successful photographer from Syracuse. She owns her own studio, and shoots weddings and anything else she really wants to. I really like her work and I thought what she had to say was very helpful and interesting. It was especially interesting to me because I would like to open my own photo studio one day, so her tips were definitely helpful to me. She also had a comment about finding your own style and shooting what you really want to shoot; I have come to realize this is completely true, and I am going to do my best to follow this advice. Its funny that she mentioned this because the other day I came across this website that had a very interesting article written by New York City photographer Doug Menuez, and he said the same thing about shooting what you really love. I have included the link in this post, and I encourage everyone to read it. Enjoy!

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