what do you see through your lens?

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Trip to Hal Silverman's Studio

Today my On Assignment class went on a field trip to Hal Silverman's photography studio in Syracuse. We got there a little before 2:00pm, after a minor scenic detour, we basically just sat around with Hal in his studio and talked about photography, what he does specifically in his job, saw some of his work, etc. We left the studio a little after 4:00pm, and in the two hours we were there I feel that I gained some knowledge about various subjects, most of them related to the field of photography. I also learned some things about the photographer himself, like the fact that Hal loves food, hence part of the reason why he shoots a lot of food photography, and that he has started to do a lot of CGI work lately. I had visited his website prior to the trip, and I thought his work was great, but there wasn't a section for any of his CGI work; then he said that his website has not been updated in a while, so that would explain why. Anyway, the trip was fun, and a good learning experience, and I'm glad that I went. Also, on a side note, Hal said he was at the ASMP printing seminar I went to on Sunday, which is pretty cool too.

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